Nonprofit Bookshelf

Posted Sep 29, 2020 by Ben Mohler

These resources are among the most valued in my professional bookshelf and have proven critical during the various stages of my leadership journey. These books are literally on my bookshelf. I’ve read and continue to reference them all. I recommend that fundraising professionals consider these as they build their own fundraising bookshelf. I trust they’ll be valuable as you learn and grow in your career and your nonprofit bookshelf.

Recommended Books

Fundamentals for Fundraisers

Fundraising By Discipline


Annual Giving

Major & Planned Giving

Nonprofit Management & Campaign Planning

Advancement Services & Financial Management

Fundamentals for All Professionals

Leadership and Other Recommended Titles


Ben Mohler served as a member and chairman of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Publishing Advisory Committee for John Wiley & Sons’ AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series. He was involved in writing book requests for proposal, reviewing proposals, recommending proposals to Wiley, editing final book manuscripts, and helping promote titles published through this program. Because of this role with AFP and Wiley, Ben Mohler's name may appear in these books. However, neither are a party to any royalties or profit sharing for the sales of these books.

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