Professional Associations & Services
Posted Mar 04, 2010 by Ben Mohler

Collection of professional associations and select providers of research, technology, and tools to aid nonprofit leaders across several disciplines.
Professional Associations
Association of Advancement Services Professionals (AASP)
Association of Donor Relations Professionals (ADRP)
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
Association of Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)
Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC)
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA)
Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)

Advanced Certified Fund Raising Executive (ACFRE)
Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP)
Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE)
IUPUI Lily Family School of Philanthropy (Various)
Research & Resource

BoardSource - governance tools and resources for board leadership
Charity Navigator - data and tools to guide philanthropic decisions
Chronicle of Philanthropy - leading periodical on topics relating to philanthropy and nonprofit sector
Foundation Directory Online - database of grant-making foundations and funders
Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) - tools to measure and compare fundraising gain and loss ratios
GivingUSA - annual report on USA giving source and use
GuideStar - nonprofit assessment and reports
Independent Sector - nonprofit articles and research on issues and emerging trends
The NonProfit Times - leading business periodical for nonprofit management
TechSoup - discounted software and technology for nonprofits
By State

Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Local Chapters - find a local chapter in your region
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Districts - find a local CASE District in your region
AZ Impact for Good - Advocate and resources for Arizona’s nonprofit and philanthropy communities
California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits) - public policy, research, networking, member discounts
AFP Bluegrass Chapter - Lexington region professional development, education, and networking
North Carolina
North Carolina Center for Nonprofits - advocacy, education, and networking
North Carolina Council of Resource Development (NC CORD) - professional association for community college development staff within the North Carolina Community College System
Texas Association of Community College Foundations (TACCF) - professional association for Texas community college foundation staff and fundraising professionals