Professional Associations & Services

Posted Mar 04, 2010 by Ben Mohler

Collection of professional associations and select providers of research, technology, and tools to aid nonprofit leaders across several disciplines.

BoardSource - governance tools and resources for board leadership

Charity Navigator - data and tools to guide philanthropic decisions

Chronicle of Philanthropy - leading periodical on topics relating to philanthropy and nonprofit sector

Foundation Directory Online - database of grant-making foundations and funders

Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) - tools to measure and compare fundraising gain and loss ratios

GivingUSA - annual report on USA giving source and use

GuideStar - nonprofit assessment and reports

Independent Sector - nonprofit articles and research on issues and emerging trends

The NonProfit Times - leading business periodical for nonprofit management

TechSoup - discounted software and technology for nonprofits

By State

Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Local Chapters - find a local chapter in your region

Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Districts - find a local CASE District in your region


AZ Impact for Good - Advocate and resources for Arizona’s nonprofit and philanthropy communities


California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits) - public policy, research, networking, member discounts


AFP Bluegrass Chapter - Lexington region professional development, education, and networking

North Carolina

North Carolina Center for Nonprofits - advocacy, education, and networking

North Carolina Council of Resource Development (NC CORD) - professional association for community college development staff within the North Carolina Community College System


Texas Association of Community College Foundations (TACCF) - professional association for Texas community college foundation staff and fundraising professionals