Donor-Centered Planned Gift Marketing [Book Review]

A book review of Donor-Centered Planned Gift Marketing, by Michael Rosen. This book bushes off the complexity of planned giving and challenges stereotypes.

The Nonprofit Development Companion [Book Review]

A book review of Nonprofit Development Companion, by Brydon DeWitt. This book clearly delineates the differences between "development" and "fundraising."

An Executive's Guide to Fundraising Operations [Book Review]

A book review of Executive's Guide to Fundraising Operations, by Christopher Cannon, CFRE. This book is not exclusively for executives.

Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding [Book Review]

A book review of Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding, by Jocelyne Daw and Carol Cone. This book is valuable, but not for obvious reasons.

Being Deliberate About Non-profit Organizational Culture

Organizational leadership sets the tone for the culture. Things that shape organizational culture for nonprofits; meetings, communication, and cornerstones.

Reconsidering the Titles We Give Professional Fundraisers

The titles we give fundraising professionals should bring connotations of trust, confidentiality, expertise, and ethics. What is your title?

Ethics Rapid-fire for Your Next Staff Meeting

Ethical lapses don't have to happen. It's helpful to be talking about general ethical issues to help your fundraising staff how to respond should something crop up.

Turning Fundraising Nightmares Into Dreams

Whether positive or negative, the experiences of others can help provide a learning opportunity for our own work. Here we learn how to turn "small shop" scarcity mindset into an amazing opportunity.

How Long Will it Take You to Raise the Money?

Time required to raise gifts varies depending on how the item relates to the mission, strategic plan, development plan, budget, board oversight, and donor linkage, ability and interest. So, not fast.