The Nonprofit Development Companion [Book Review]

Posted Jul 25, 2011 by Ben Mohler

A book review of Nonprofit Development Companion, by Brydon DeWitt. This book clearly delineates the differences between "development" and "fundraising."

The Nonprofit Development Companion: A Workbook for Fundraising Success (The AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series) has a wealth of information which I have recently found helpful in crafting a fundraising plan in light of the all encompassing development plan. This is because this book clearly delineates the differences between "development" and "fundraising."

While attending a recent Association of Fundraising Professionals chapter meeting, Karla Williams challenged the audience on their title within their respective organizations. By a show of hands it was amazing how many fundraisers held the title of "development officer." To an outsider, or newcomer to the nonprofit sector, these terms are used interchangeably. However, doing so is a disservice to nonprofit professionals and the sector as a whole. I recommend purchasing this book as an adjunct to the seminal work on fundraising, Achieving Excellence in Fundraising (Wiley Desktop Editions), because it completes the context of fundraising within the wider construct of development.


Additional books and resources, recommended for nonprofit professionals, may be found in the Nonprofit Bookshelf